The Ocean Blaster Shot Blasting System is produced for Ocean by our manufacturing partner Agtos, it is a completely unique shot blasting machine for cleaning structural steel sections.
The Ocean Blaster is designed specifically for fabricators and others who need to de-scale and remove corrosion from steel profiles of all types in preparation for further processing, welding or painting.
For most fabricators, the traditional shot blaster has been way too large and too expensive to even consider, but our ultra-compact, fully integrated, exceptionally efficient shot blast machine will fit any steel fabricators space and budget requirements. The entire Ocean Blaster Shot Blasting System, including dust extraction unit, requires only 12 feet x 25 feet of floor space and only 13 feet of headroom, making it ideal for even the smallest fabricating shops. Despite its compact size the Blaster will handle all profiles up to 40 inches tall and 20 inches wide.
The exceptionally efficient turbine design allows fabricators to clean steel with the lowest power consumption, reducing costs even further. And pre-blasting of steel reduces grinding and cleaning, reduces rework, and creates a clean work environment improving morale and safety.
Maximum Profile Height 40″ (1000mm)
Maximum Profile Width 20″ (500mm)
Minimum Work Piece Height 0.5″ (10mm)
Minimum Work Piece Length 80″ (2000mm)
Maximum Weight of Work Piece 500 lbs/ft (750kg/m)
Number of Wheels 4
15″ (380mm) at 50Hz
13″ (330mm) at 60Hz
Number of Blades 6
Blade Width 2.16″ (55mm)
Turbine Drive 10hp (7.5kW)
Abrasive Flow Per Turbine 300 lbs/min (135kg/min)
Abrasive Throwing Speed approx. 290 ft/sec (88m/sec)
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